What To Do When Life Gets In The Way Of Your Plans

Life. How frustrating is it when things happen to derail your plans and dreams.

Lately I have had more instances of life getting in the way my plans than I care to admit. The hard part is that these interruptions are priorities that can’t be ignored…

…such as my parents health.

…my best friend’s crisis with her son.

…extra projects at work.


Nothing that can be put on a back burner to pursue my fledgling online business.

In fact, I started writing this post over a month ago! That is how crazy my life has been. Traveling to my parents, traveling for work, checking in with my friend and still trying to keep life at home normal.

These days, “work” is my job that I am trying to faze out. But I still have to go for at least 5 hours a day. Unfortunately, once I did that and then a workout, I got distracted by looking for home health care providers. Or talking with my girlfriend. Then attending to a work project.

And the travel.

I spent the last 5 weeks traveling. Four long weekends for work, one to my parents.

When I realized that it had taken me more than a month to write a post, I thought about what should I have done to keep moving forward? What could I have done differently?

I should have written notes down, not just kept them in my head. Then I could have organized my thoughts into the post…instead of doing nothing. When life gets out of control, schedule “me time”, even if it is 10 minutes. Everyone can find 10 minutes a day to do something for themselves. That would have kept me moving forward.

It comes down to prioritizing. Granted the most important thing was the people in my life. My family and friends. But what about those extra 10 minutes. How do you find them?

Start with a schedule. How do you spend your day?

How was I spending my time?

This is what I did last week in order to get my life back on track…

…Up at 6.00. Walk dogs until 6.45. Feed them, feed me. 7.15 make bed, clean one thing (a bathroom, the refrigerator, sweep) 7.45 leave for work. Finish work around 1.00, do a workout, home by 3.00. 

Okay, now I have two and a half hours to work on my online marketing before my husband and mother-in-law get here for dinner!

It is imperative to spend at least an hour working on the most important task of the day. I have always made a list of “To Do’s” the night before. Whatever is at the top of my list, gets done first.

But I had stopped doing that, along with everything else.                                                                                                                                                pt.pngtree.com

If something is important to you, then you need to make it a priority. And although I think of blogging and online marketing as really important to me, it wasn’t enough.

I chose to put life events in front of my own pursuits. But now I am back on track and hoping that my life can take a back seat to my plans and dreams.

If nothing else, I was able to finish my post!