Dreaming of Retirement


Something I so look forward to; having time to pursue my hobbies, eating breakfast every morning with my husband, traveling to our family lake house, spending summers there.

My father worked for 50 years at the University of Michigan…

…that was after being a pilot in WWII, a forestry engineer, a high school teacher.

He worked almost 75% of his life.

I am looking to work far less than that. Not that he hasn’t enjoy his life as he loved his work, but I have so many things that I am interested in doing.

Working online should help me in this pursuit. I am so excited about having options with my time.

The online retirement program I am starting is available by clicking here.

This weekend I am spending time at the lake house, dreaming of the time when I can be here more often. Dreaming of how different my life will be. Dreaming of the options I will have.

I am so relaxed and can feel the stress leaving me.

Looking out at the lake, I promise myself to keep on my timeline of achieving this dream…