Have A Dream? Why We Won’t Allow Ourselves To Attain The Dreams We Want?

If you have a dream, why don’t you even try to attain it?

Are you worried things won’t work out?

Afraid of change?

Afraid of not pleasing the people in your life?

Afraid of failing?

One of the reasons we don’t reach for our dreams is a lack of belief in ourselves. This causes us to come up with all sorts of “I’ll do it when….” excuses, never moving forward to what would really make us happy.

Focus on the big picture of why you have this dream. What about your current situation makes you unhappy or unfulfilled? Get clear on your vision, values, mission, and know that you have everything in you do it.

Then believe it is possible to achieve it with ever fiber of your being. Change your mindset, visualize what it will be like to fulfil your dream. Never give up working towards it.

One of my dreams has been to run my own business. Something that I built and was representative of who I am. This is something I remember wanting since I was a little girl, making potholders and washcloths and selling them to my neighbors! Back then I just knew I liked making something that people liked buying and then getting paid for it.

I went to university. Got a degree, BBA in Economics, then couldn’t find a job.

Long story short, I worked, but nothing that was satisfying. Then I started hearing about online businesses. I was intrigued. Maybe this is what I could finally do to build my own business!

And I have.

My Dream.

Coming true.




Will this work out the way I want? I sure hope so. Goodness knows I am making mistakes, learning, readjusting and pushing forward!

What about changing careers? I have always been open to change. Being happy has always been paramount to me. Making a change that makes me feel better, gives me better quality of life and fulfills a lifetime dream…I am all in!

Am I afraid of not pleasing people? Luckily I have a supportive husband and I really only care about being happy with myself.

Am I afraid of failing? Absolutely. But I am going to do everything in my power to not to.

It hasn’t been easy. Building a business takes time and constant work. I am not where I want to be but I am progressing. Building a foundation, developing ideas, spreading my wings. Taking the steps to live the life I want, on my terms.

And it feels amazing.